Eyes in the Sky: Drones Transform Sperm Whale Research Seal singers in Antarctica: From love songs to ultrasonic vocalizations Banned contaminants are still affecting whales in Eastern Canada Can Whales Eat and Swallow Humans? Russian ship played classical music to rescue entrapped belugas Whales and Dolphins Uniting for Survival, Bounty, or Companionship? Toxic chemicals from plastics found in Norwegian marine mammals Why are baby whales and dolphins born with whiskers? Harbor porpoise calves ingest toxic chemicals through their mother’s milk Florida Manatees -Tough on the outside, but not invincible Toxic Menus: Contaminants Threaten the Health of North Atlantic Killer Whales Unlocking the Secrets of Female Common Dolphin Reproduction in New Zealand Baby killer whales face many challenges in their first year What do killer whales eat in the North Atlantic? Fat’s the question! Who are the type B killer whales? The award for the largest brain in the world goes to… Bros for life! Dolphin males can form life-long relationships with one another Dolphins have super healing powers You can stop calling North Atlantic killer whales type 1 and type 2 How Long Do Whales Live? Science is a marathon: what long-term opportunistic data can tell us about New Zealand sperm whales Are humpback whales really not threatened anymore? Got balls? Not like the Southern Right Whale! New research suggests dolphin infanticide in Japan Scientists develop a model to reveal wild killer whales’ diets Scientists Found Microplastics In Baleen Whale Poop Off New Zealand The largest heart in the animal kingdom belongs to the blue whale Whale watching can do so much good but can sometimes get out of hands Everything you wanted to know about Whale Watching – Part Two Everything you wanted to know about Whale Watching – Part One Load More Share this:FacebookX