Whale Science

Is this beluga whale a Russian spy?

Hvaldimir’s story Some of you might have heard of Hvaldimir, the “Russian spy” beluga. Maybe you even heard of him without knowing his name. This beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) has become quite famous in Northern Norway. He was found on April 26th, 2019, in a little fjord called Tufjord, on an island off the northern […]

Is this beluga whale a Russian spy? Read More »

Noise from military activities hurt deep-diving whales

Noise in the ocean comes from different sources. Some are natural (seismic activity, tectonic movements), and some are human-made like sonars, underwater bombs, etc. Deep diving whales rely on echolocation to hunt for their prey. The noise from human activities can affect these whales in quite extreme ways. In this post, we will talk about

Noise from military activities hurt deep-diving whales Read More »

What are the main threats affecting baleen whales?

You have probably seen it at least once on the news. There are a lot of accidents happening with baleen whales. Worldwide reports of ship strikes (when a boat runs into a whale) and entanglement increase every year. It makes me sad because baleen whales are still recovering from the intensive industrial whaling that went

What are the main threats affecting baleen whales? Read More »