whale of the month

Meet the Australian Snubfin Dolphin – An Edemic and Threatened Species

The Australian snubfin dolphin (Orcaella heinsohni) is one of Australia’s only endemic dolphin species, identified as a new species in 2005. This small dolphin is adorable, but it faces conservation threats due to its small population and coastal habitat preference. So this month, let’s celebrate the Australian snubfin dolphin and the 25th Biennial Conference on […]

Meet the Australian Snubfin Dolphin – An Edemic and Threatened Species Read More »

Ramari’s beaked whale, a mysterious discovery

Humans know more about space than the ocean. In 2011, a pregnant beaked whale named Nihongore stranded in New Zealand, initially thought to be a True’s beaked whale. DNA and skull analyses revealed it was a new species, Ramari’s beaked whale, named after Māori whale expert Ramari Stewart, highlighting Indigenous contributions to whale science.

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A curious whale: The Sowerby’s beaked whale

Happy new year! This January, we are happy to feature the Sowerby’s beaked whale, also known as the North Atlantic beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens). This rare and elusive whale is quite understudied because it spends most of its life deep under the ocean’s surface, hunting for prey. Did you know that males sometimes compete with

A curious whale: The Sowerby’s beaked whale Read More »

The Bowhead Whale, Queen of the Arctic

Happy September! After a short summer break, let’s welcome the bowhead whale as our whale of the month! These magnificent baleen whales only reside in the polar waters of the Arctic. They are also the oldest living mammal on earth. Let’s find out more about them! Queens and Kings of the Arctic Bowhead whales (Balaena

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Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins: learn about the pink dolphins

We’ve all heard about humpback whales. They are probably the most famous baleen whale species. But did you know humpback dolphins existed? There are actually four different species of humpback dolphins, all grouped in the genus Sousa. This month, we cover Sousa chinensis, the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin. This coastal dolphin needs our help; let’s find

Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins: learn about the pink dolphins Read More »

A deep dive into beluga whales

We are super happy to feature the beluga whale this February for our “Whale of the Month”. We are even more excited because this post is a collaboration with Whales Online (Baleines en Direct) and the GREMM (Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals) located in Tadoussac, Quebec. Beluga conservation is one of the

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Let’s learn more about the harbor porpoise!

Happy holiday season! This month, we decided to highlight a shy little odontocete, the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). They are not known for grand displays in the water, but we wanted to do them justice this month because we believe they do not get enough love! These shy little guys face various human threats, so

Let’s learn more about the harbor porpoise! Read More »

Kogia: dwarf and pygmy sperm whales

Whalecome to our new whales of the month: the dwarf and pygmy sperm whales. Like their cousin, the sperm whale, they like to spend most of their time deep underwater to hunt their favorite prey: squid and deep-sea fish, and crustaceans. Did you know they can release “ink” from their butts to confuse predators?! Find

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